Friday, 28 August 2009

Seeds arrive from Chiltern Seeds, Ulverston

For communal use anywhere in Ulverston - old but perfectly good stock is donated to the town by this generous Ulverston firm that could yield, without exaggeration, a million flowers for people to enjoy.

Just a bit of very rewarding hard work required !

Let's be hearing from you if you want to get involved!

And each of the bunches of packets above contains as much as these!

Just think how much of Ulverston could be covered in flowers next year!



Gladys Hobson said...

Golly, a lot of seeds. The work involved in growing them makes me feel quite seedy! (We have a rather large garden area to keep in good order — free seeds from our flowers and weeds plant themselves and grow quite freely. Quite a task removing mini trees every year!)) Are you making pots to put them in?

Geoff Dellow said...

Yes quite daunting - on the other hand I'm told they will keep a long time in the fridge.

Making pots for them, for me doesn't solve a problem but instead creates another.

But then I perhaps need to think more creatively about this!

Any thoughts?