Thursday, 27 August 2009

Setts in The Gill

Since I first raised the matter of these cobbles (setts) in the Evening Mail some two months ago, no repairs have been made and the matter is now a lot worse.

The photographs that follow illustrate the extreme problem that now exists. The problem has become clearly worse not only on the original patch but at many different locations. The longer these are left the more costly will be the the repair. When I phone London, I am told by the Department of Transport that the local authority has a statutory obligation to make repairs and by their own admission they gaurantee to repair serious faults in the highway within 24hrs yet nothing happens.

A major review of the situation is urgently needed. Clearly we have an accident waiting to happen. The behaviour of the County continues to reflect badly on the town.

James Airey, the new County Councillor for this area has agreed to meet me next week to explain the lack of action and has promissed written answers on this and other issues.

This is the most prominent hazard with the sett protruding more than 3 inches above the road surface.

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