Thursday, 27 August 2009

Lightburn Park - we're heading your way!

Soon (within a fortnight) we'll be filling in the puddles on the equipment area.

Then it will be cultivating the small round bed at the town centre entrance to the park - Chiltern Seeds are supplying some of their seeds free. Starting small but doing something!

Then it will be ceramics on the fence - probably on the railing around the rail track. Moving wheels and gears to start then engineering things - any ideas? A working model of a piston maybe.

We've also requested seating so that people can interact with the skateboarders as they watch.

Cllr Norman Bishop-Rowe and Richard Forster SLDC officer informed.


Stephen 'Tap' Watney said...

While taking my 2 year-old child for an hour's fun on Lightburn Park's playground this afternoon (28.11.09) I felt a bit disturbed by the sight of a gentleman taking photographs. While I, myself, have received suspicious looks in the past("man in children's play area with camera"), onlookers' fears have always been allayed when they see that I am with a child. This man was not with a child. Also, at the risk of sounding somewhat judgmental, his appearance could be described as 'dishevelled'. I thought it important to mention this on a 'local issues' forum. I took some photographs of this man in case anything untoward occurred this afternoon and any evidence may be needed in the future.

Geoff Dellow said...

Well that 'dischevelled man could have been me!

I was out taking the photos that you see in the post above.- Grey hair and wearing shorts with the boots that you see above! The untoward thing that I is going to happen is that the puddles are going to get filled! with good quality gravel.

Well at least it got you to make a posting here!

Be interesting to know if it was me, then the people of Ulverston can relax - or can they beware of man with camera - I use it all over the place!