Wednesday, 12 August 2009


Could it be that some of those who visit this blog are just looking for the chance to have a moan?

These would be the kind of people who either misinterpret what is being said or criticise without making an alternative suggestion.

For example, the word 'Doers' is taken to mean those who do something - anything - go to work, paint the house, put the kids to bed ( all great activities!). Whereas in the context of this blog, it is those that do something in a specific way ie to rectify the issues described here.

'Doing' in this way could mean, themselves writing to their local representative or even just making a positive comment here, like, "that's a good idea". Better still would be having a chat with me to try and explain their viewpoint - by phone or by coming to meet me at Poppies on Saturday mornings at 11 am (something I haven't been doing the last two weeks because of the pottery project).

Secondly, is there any point in making a criticisms that just states in effect "That's a rubbish idea" without explaining why?

Could it be that some people see me as patronising, ie they feel I put them down, because their alternative action and its benefit is not explained, so that we can't have a meaningful discussion?

For my part I could spell out more clearly what action could be taken to support a particular issue. This I will try to do in future.


A. R. said...

Geoff ,the people who post on here are rarely diametrically opposed to your views .I think they ( we )are generally supportive of you but perhaps not on specific issues in which they are particularly interested. We all want a better Ulverston ,a great little town and I am proud to say I was born here and ,doubtless ,will end my days here.
No I don't think you patronise people but you are seen as a middle class do-gooder ,hence the jibes about pottery ,which together with morris dancing and brass rubbing is seen as ....well ,like the other chap said ...bollocks.
The last para of your original post shows that you do take note of what others say ,even when it is critical of you. Good on you.

Geoff Dellow said...

Thanks for that A.R.

It gets very hard going when one feels hammered all the time!

Should I spell out more of what I am doing? I get the feeling this will be seen as self justification in a negative way.

I shall keep soldiering on!

I am what I am - though I'm not sure what that is!