Saturday, 15 August 2009

Over sixty new pottery additions to The Gill area

The rain didn't stop John McCarty , myself and Paul from getting all these objects mounted on the railings and walls of Gill Banks and Union Lane.

We now have nearly twenty fish swimming determinedly down beside the path towards the beck.

Also about twenty flowers of various kinds never to fade beside the beck itself, some leaves, birds and a grand dolphin jumping up over the barrier to freedom. Happy faces and that of the originator of the dreaded swine 'flu with neurotic flashing eyes next to the lioness who calmly contemplates the chaos surrounding her.

The prisoners in front of bars watch jealously the strutting humans that come to give them the nonchalant once over.

No doubt they'll be joined by more creations of 'the inspired ones' who will join in the fun this next Saturday, 22nd August at 11am till 4 pm. Weather forecast is light rain so that we'll enjoy the protection of the roomy tarpaulin. No doubt with warm drinks to keep the troops happy.

No doubt some photos to follow!

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