Sunday, 11 April 2010

Election Candidates

So far I'm not impressed with anyone - featured here by the Evening Mail.

I identify with a lot of Chris Loynes' views but how effective a politician would he be? See link at the bottom of blogs I enjoy.

Barry Rabone is in the most impressive team of party politicians for me but how active a politician for us in Furness would he be? He has not been responsive to my emails in the past regarding affordable housing however it is possible that he never received them or that they went into his junk folder by mistake as they were totally ignored . We are now in contact using the email now on his web site ( which has only just been updated) and will be sharing a coffee in town very soon.

I tend to vote for the person and their personal attributes rather than the party and none of the candidates at present grabs me.

Anyone offering me any guidance?

Convince me and I'll campaign for them or is it a matter of voting for the best of a poor bunch?

More when I've time - the local community and pottery scene is far more exciting. Is this not the way for future politics, with its 'back to grass roots' approach ?

Makes more emotional sense to me. Fed up with 'politicians' - a sentiment express on Andrew Marr's show this morning - where community groups are having greater influence on the voters than the politicians themselves.

Is it that we're fed up with the party politicians who can be whipped into line and prefer people with an independent mind like the uncompromising Tim Farron who lost his party post in order to fulfil his pledge to the electorate?


lakeuk said...

In Westmorland all 3 candidates have been bending over backwards to reply to my questions, surprised how speedy some of the responses have been.

I've also posted a request to the gazette to pull together popular questions from local readers and ask all the candidates, so responses can be compared between the candidates.

Westmorland Gazette

Geoff Dellow said...

Sounds good Dave,

I've requested something similar from the Evening Mail.

So do you think that Tim farron will do well?

Assuming he is one of them!

lakeuk said...

Well for the conservatives Westmorland is a key seat they need to win to stand a chance of getting into government. national media consider it a constituency that could turn due to the low amount of votes last time round but I'm not to sure about that at this stage.

Conservatives have not made their local campaign very easy, they took ages finding a replacement for Tim Colins, then some strange goings on happened that resulted in the replacement being pushed out and finally Gareth was parachuted in from London. The conservative electon campaign has only just starting to get going which seems very late to me where as Tim pretty much started his at the start of the year with the snow path clearing and has been doing something everyday since at all levels.

I think there will be two types of local voters this time round, those voting on personality which I think Tim will come on top of and those voting for on party in order to get rid of the labour goverment in which case Gareth could swing it, but I think it'll be difficult for Gareth to pull of. The only thing against Tim is the expenses scandel which for him personally was minor but many have it in their minds that all MP's are the same, in his favour is that over the past 5yrs he's regularly in the local media on what he's doing, he's a local person (10yrs+), plus he's taken advantage of what social media offers as a communication media with locals and from what I've seen has no problem admitting when he's wrong. Gareth is not local, not had much local media coverage, not have of a campaign behind he, no doing much with social media plus people go still remember the last election when Tim Colins ignored the area during the campaign plus I think you need a 5yr campaign to stand any chance. The other candidates I can't see getting anywhere other than protest votes although the labour candidate is doing abit of socal media with twitter and youtube, I've no idea on UKIT and I think the liberal lady has withdrawn.

So in summary I think Tim will get another term with an increased margin, I can only see it being at risk if alot of people vote to get labour out as goverment but as yet I've not heard any soundings locally on that kind of voting.