Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Scientists call for research on climate link to geological hazards

Not only is the volcanic ash affecting transport at the moment.

It could be a regular event for the future!

From the Guardian:

"Experts say global warming could affect geological hazards such as earthquakes because of the way it can move large amounts of mass around on the Earth's surface. Melting glaciers and rising sea levels shift the distribution of huge amounts of water, which release and increase pressures through the ground.

These pressure changes could make ruptures and seismic shifts more likely. Research from Germany suggests that the Earth's crust can sometimes be so close to failure that tiny changes in surface pressure brought on my heavy rain can trigger quakes. Tropical storms, snowfall and shifting tides have all been linked to shifts in seismic activity."

Carbon emissions are dramatically reduced!

"Flight ban stops emission of estimated 2.8m tonnes of CO2"

Another good aspect of the grounding of planes!


marianne birkby said...

Thank goodness it is volcanic ash and not a radiation plume....

Anonymous said...

some cracking pictures on this link http://www.boston.com/bigpicture/2010/04/more_from_eyjafjallajokull.html

Geoff Dellow said...

Glad to see the savings in CO2 emissions. Perhaps the penny will drop so that we realise we have to do something dramatic like ending all air travel - and perhaps moving things by horse drawn barge.

Geoff Dellow said...

The photos are brilliant - here's the link in clickable form!
