Monday, 5 April 2010

Greenhouse raising flowering plants for Ulverston

This is my first ever greenhouse.

I've struck really lucky with the location for it which now has about 2,500 potential plants for Ulverston's public spaces. A great variety of seeds have been donated by Chiltern Seeds of Ulverston; an adventurous seed supplier of rare flower heirloom veg and herbs.

In a recent email Denise Taylor states:

"we confirm that we would be delighted to help out again this year! I will arrange for another box of easyish annuals and perennials to be made up, as we did last year,"

"Anything to help and support our community!"

It's a lovely place to go and 'work'.

The slightest bit of sun and it's beautifully cozy - and I have these great views! The cat likes it too!

I can see why people love their contact with living things. Everything is so eager to grow. Given half a chance and the seeds are off.

What a phenomenal burst of energy from one innocent looking packet of minute seeds!

It's the same feeling as watching birds outside as they busy themselves with living. They appear to enjoy life - but I'm sure it's really a lot of hard graft.

I wonder what they would think as they observe us humans as we go about life?

Imagine them flying over Market Street on a busy day.

Are we too enjoying the challenge of life in the same way?

I can understand why Stafford Salmon of West Ulverston enjoys his secluded work in the wholesale market gardening business, of working with plants all day, so much.

Again there's a link with people who work on allotments. They too have a positive way of looking at life.

Have we done ourselves a disservice of using technology that takes us away from a hands on approach to life.

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