Thursday 6 May 2010

If you vote Tory

Be prepared for the biggest shock of your life when you find out just what they are planning and the social unrest it will produce.

The Conservatives at the next election won't dare show their faces.

It will be a field day for the rest of us!

By then we will know the score on cuts and global warming and be better placed to vote wisely (does this ever happen!) .

Who knows what the next election will be like!

I can imagine the debates being a lot more fiery, next time round!

The Greens might even get in on the act!

What fun!


Anonymous said...

I am getting nervous you have not got any celtic links have you I support your statement

Gladys Hobson said...

Sorry, I don't find serious issues fun.
I don't find debt easy to live with — we have never been in debt. The sooner we look like doing something about it, the better we will be viewed when needing loans.
The more elderly and child benefits the more strain on those who work — especially single people with incomes less than the average wage
The greens (lovely people that they are) live in cloud cuckoo land otherwise they would get my vote.
I have wrestled with this and have not made my decision lightly. It is the good of the whole that matters, not what is in it for me.

Geoff Dellow said...

We have a different view, Gladys, of fun.

I find many situations, even serious ones, fun.

Fighting for survival is fun. Setting oneself a really difficult target is fun. Getting involved wholely with a situation is fun.

I get the impression that mice, dicing with death from being caught by a cat, are having fun. As they pit their wits against their arch enemy, they give the impression of having fun. I've watched them as they sit up sprightly only four feet away from the cat, making no attempt to run away but preening their whiskers and, it seems, challenging the cat to catch them.

Are you saying that you've never had a mortgage or taken a loan?

Yes the Greens are truly grasping the nettle of what needs doing in our society.

They seem to be the only party that have faced up to some of our major problems.

We do not want an expanding economy - the world can no longer support this - we are fast running out of resources.

We need to bring wage earning power closer. The extremes in wealth and wages are often obscene: footballers, bankers, Tesco managing directors on the one hand and cleaners, carers, teaching assistants, many civil servants on the other.

This is what is causing the problems in Greece. It's not the debt but the unfairness of who should pay. We've got the same potential problem here which will, I fear, boil to the surface like the Iceland Volcano and spew suffocating ash all over everyone.

Then the greens have serious plans for dealing with runaway global warming which the other parties refusing to face with the consequence that our grandchildren won't survive here.

Being part of this lively dilemma is still for me 'fun'.

It makes me live every moment as if it is my last!

Anonymous said...

A good way to live your life I think Geoff. Worrying never helped anything, so might as well try and enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

We were in debt to the USA after 2nd world war it wasnt paid of till 2006 this is for help 1945/46
You have a bee in your bonnet regarding benefits for children
Thats mean ! I think its well directed do you want rickets back.
you seem to also want to cull the aged who have paid taxes all their lives.
Yes I can understand you dont have fun !
I'll bet you are a real hoot on a night out sucking acid drops!