Friday 7 May 2010

The Place of Art in the midst of turmoil

I'm so grateful that Printfest revisited Ulverston again.

As a result, there are three new pictures in my living environment - one of which - Journey by Don Braisby - is immediately to my right as I write!

It was great having an exhibition of this quality on my doorstep. The ticket price allowed me to revisit, something I find I need to do at art galleries.

There's a limit to the amount the brain both reason and emotion, can take in at each go and I was pleased to have been able to go three times for just over an hour each; the last time with the express purpose of deciding which pictures to buy.

Though we have more pictures than we need for our small house, we have now adopted the plan of rotating pictures maybe every six months!

Art fuels our emotions and emotions are the powerhouse for us living. Motivation and action spring forward as well as encouragement to sit still and reflect all come from our emotions.

I'm reminded of another of my main web sites about my love of reflection as well as action!

Art around me provides more security than money in the bank!

I come back to the thought that what we are inside is far more important than what we have outside!

Art is essential to this - though art doesn't have to be possessed - it can simply be enjoyed - like a free walk amongst trees.

All are contributors to the me that walks down the street!

Thank you to the organisers of Printfest for all your time and risktaking - you do a great job.

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