Friday 12 November 2010


Anonymous commenters.

Reluctantly I have decided not to publish any further comments from the person who is making some valid points on the planning permission recently given to the residential development at Fairview.

You are taking advantage by never being accountable for your views. When asked you don't back up your figures.

Surely you will be far more convincing if you stop slinking around in the shadows.

What have you to lose?

If you think this is unfair then start your own blog and communicate directly with the public.


Anonymous said...

Can't you just remove the 'Anonymous' option from the commenting panel? That would force anyone who wanted to comment to give a name, though perhaps not a genuine one.

A.R. said...

The anonymous person's comments are mostly lifted from the planning application description on the SLDC website. Perhaps this person has a vested interest or is a councillor. I just think the development is a good idea in a bad place. As for the planners requiring extensive renovation of Fair View itself ,I just don't buy that. I've been inside many times and it seems in excellent condition ,apart from the derelict conservatory. I wonder why this person is making such a fuss - it's been passed any way !

Geoff Dellow said...

I can see a place for Anon comments if used occasionally - like your comment now.

Some don't want a Google Account but could sign there name anyway.

I'm still trying to feel my way through this one.

In this case I suspect who it is and he is a councillor.

The reason could be he comments is that he doesn't like councillors being criticized here.

And quite rightly is challenging my 'facts' and opinions.

One councillor even thinks I incite attacks on councillors. I try to be as positive as I can but having seen them in action yesterday at the SLDC cabinet meeting, I come away very disheartened in we what is called 'democracy'. The system needs a very good, hard shake up.

Too many people feel they can't influence decisions and so opt out all together. I've met people who avoid politicians because they make them so angry.

I know the feeling, but think I need to "soldier on" but it's hard going!

Anonymous said...

You are missing a trick the joy of blogs is the off the wall comments that shine a light
private people do like privacy
Publish and be dammed

Geoff Dellow said...

It's comments like this that I take exception to:

"AR- I can't help it if you are suspicious, but you shouldn't let Geoff Dellow con you because he's trying to whip up more trouble for somebody."

If this person said this to my face then I could ask him what he was referring to. Even if he was to sign his real name, I could ring him up and discuss it.

I don't believe that I ever make a comment that I wouldn't repeat to the person's face and should they read a comment here, they could question me about it when I talk to them.

At the moment I am able to talk to all the councillors in a relaxed and I believe helpful way.

I see it as trouble makers that are expressing problems where none exist.

I therefore come down on the side of refusing anon comments if they can't be constructive and where they are stating "facts", they need to give their names and tell us where we can verify these facts.

I shall endeavor to do the same.

Gladys Hobson said...

It's your blog. Up to you what you allow.
I don't always see the comments on my blogs until sometime afterwards. One was from someone in Ulverston asking me a question but it was written last April I think. Don't know who so can't get in touch. Don't suppose he/she came back after an initial no reply.
Sometimes I have to fish comments out of the spam where the 'system' sends them.
I see no reason to make an issue over your anon character. He/she has their reasons — don't like it? Don't print it.

Anonymous said...

Your blog will lose its spark
Your shoulders are broad enough
Publish and be dammed

Geoff Dellow said...

You're wrong.

My body and health suffer.

"Why am I doing this when I could be doing so many other enjoyable things?" is a regular question!