Saturday 18 August 2012

An Experiment in Fasting

I recent stumbled on a TV program on horizon on the benefits of fasting :
"Eat, fast and live longer"
The whole program is on Youtube :

which I watched again last night.

The idea of 'fasting' intrigues me, so, before I go any further I'm going to fast for two days and find out what it's like. By fast, I mean limit my calorie intake to 500 cals/day. Next step is to find out what I can eat to stay within that.

I've only fasted once in my life I think and that was when living on my own I was so involved in what I was doing that I didn't get round to eating for 36 hours - I felt fine.

So here goes, starting this morning. I shall confine myself to fruit, apples (the whole lot, oranges and the odd banana which I understand has a fair number of calories and the lovely vegetables that I grow in the allotment.

I suspect the most difficult thing will be to not think about it - but then I've a busy couple of days coming up and I'm on my own!

I shall report back here as I go through till Monday morning: interesting journey.

I'm starting off with an apple, orange and a coffee - 126 cals that's a quarter of my total .

It's 13:00 and I've been playing flat out in the Market Square at chess between 10 and and 12:45, losing all three games, having a drink of chocolate.

Feeling shattered, but that could be a number of reasons, most of them psychological - worrying about fasting. ("I knew a guy who dropped dead of exhaustion" kind of remarks!)

I'm reverting to the familiar, I need to relax in the 'normal' by having a 500g bowl of soup.

Kite making project coming up with parents and kids, at 2 pm, need a lot of mental and physical !

I shall then be having beetroot, cabbage, carrot as a salad - how about some ham?This could be for supper - we'll see how many calories it all adds up to!

Had a very active time making, designing and running around flying kites in Ford park. Five adults with six seven kids of various ages arrived at 14:00 and enjoyed themselves until 16:30 - sun was out the kites flew - we ended up with a few tangles which I really enjoy sorting out.

All went home very happy with their 'new' kites and string to join the growing band of kite fliers.

Now I'm off to a party when I've recovered - I'm short on sleep having woken up at 5 am. Left for party at 6:45pm after a lie down.
Here I only had a third-full glass of red wine and topped up with water. I think that because I went with the intention of doing this and not even looking at the food this worked.
I then went to Natterjacks to meet someone who had been away for the day and played the piano for 15 minutes - I'm getting better! Here I had several cups of an infusion at about 2 cal per small cup.

On returning home I had fun preparing myself a low calorie meal of lovely cabbage 125gm , two small tomatoes and about  20gm of tongue.
Today I had an orange and apple with Barleycup. I'm now about to have a bowl of soup (it's familiar) after some hard work at Mill Dam Park digging.

I'm feeling fine though perhaps a little strained but not sure where this comes from.

Had a different home made soup - the familiar again, did some sitting down jobs (untangling kite string), some shopping at Booths, some standing up work and supper which was the same as last night.
It's now 9pm and I've been trying out some new chess software and I feel fine - I'm not giving a thought to food and perhaps because of this I feel fine. Now what's the next job on the list : stick a link on my Facebook page.
It's now 8am on Monday morning and I've had breakfast. I don't feel at all ravenous, in fact I rather like the high fruit breakfast so I've repeated it with a little muesli. This 'fasting' hasn't been particularly difficult and I'll gladly do it again as what food I had was delicious. I'm pretty sure that I stayed within the 500 calorie limit. It would be easier to tell what it really feels like if it became part of my routine. And no. I'm not looking forward to a slap up meal!

It's now evening of the first day after the 'fast' and I feel completely back to normal. I had a reaction this morning whilst doing fairly vigorous work down at the allotment: I felt a but giddy and faint so I sat down and took it easy. I felt the need to eat something so I ate a raw beetroot - which took some doing but it did seem to make a difference. I haven't noticed a desire to eat more than normal to make up for the food not eaten in the two days. I conclude I must have lost weight probably body fat.

In future if I repeat this two day fast I will make sure that I don't have a day of vigorous exercise the day after.

I'm now reflecting on why I would do this again as I'm not convinced that in my case I will gain much: I'm already quite slim and I come from parents who both lived into their nineties and one close to a hundred. At least I feel that if there was a benefit I would incorporate this two day 500 calorie fast into my week as I found the food I did have was delicious and didn't have an undue hankering to eat beyond the 500 limit.

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