Wednesday 22 August 2012

Thank God for people like George Galloway

In our society that is populated by people who rarely take time to think for themselves but follow the lead of others, it is very reassuring to have someone who stops,  thinks and then shares his conclusions with others  and hopefully has the support and courage to stand by them. Sadly in this case, we hear nothing but the cries of outrage from the politically correct who are too emotionally charged to be able to see anything but bright red, black and white. Real life is a lovely complex mixture of millions of shades of grey and other muted colours. We need people to apply reason in order to counter the outbursts of emotion that occur more and more recently.

And before you ask: yes, I have consulted with several very assertive women who would count themselves as feminists and be very active in the defence of the exploitation of women - and they agree with me. George has a very strong point to make and we're glad he made it.

I'm reminded of Enoch Powell who spoke out with reason in his "Rivers of Blood " speech (a name given by those who didn't stop and think but chose a label with a high emotionally charge)  and was shouted down by the politically correct.

We're living in a time when there are an increasing number of people who are intolerant of 'out of the box' thinking. They are people with deep unresolved emotional hurt in their psyche and I'm learning to be very cautious when trying to relate to them in any depth. I've been severely burnt and it hurt deeply. I suspect we as a society are very poor at letting out our controversial thoughts, instead they are bottled up and at some time they explode unwittingly.


Louis Blanqui said...

George Galloway is the personification of the old proverb.
"An empty vessel makes the most noise"
He is a carpetbagger that can talk the talk but cannot walk the walk.

Geoff Dellow said...

For me he's a refreshingly 'real' person; a "let's jump in with both feet rather than just "put your foot in it"guy; an atypical politician. The kind of person the public would love to see more of, but by the nature of modern politics, few politicians dare to emulate.

Yes he makes a lot of noise but I don't find the content 'empty'.

I can't believe Louis Blanqui would have ever used his name in this way. What's wrong with your real name Chris?

Jean Juares said...

Its MPD Mondays I think I am Joan Of Arc.
I consider her to be deluded but her heart was in the right place.
She got on her horse,she was not signing petitions or doing The Guardian crossword.
I could tell you why I consider him to be a fake from personal experience but I will not for 2 reasons.
Firstly I doubt you would believe me and secondly if you did believe me I would not want to burst your bubble or the bubble of anybody of your years.
I am Chris 6 days of the week but when I come into town for supplies, well in 20 mins I think I will be the Lt Gov of St Vincent and The Grenadines.

The Lt Gov Of St Vincent And The Grenadines said...

Geoff,I have a bus to catch in 30 mins but when I come in next week I will forward you an email and it is the only one with "REAL WORDS" from everybody both in The Commons and The Lords.
This man could not help me and from the tone of his email he sounded sad and as if he had a few drinks but it was human,even though he could not help me I would have hugged him as his email was real.
All the rest come across as if they have been penned by the coffee machine that acquired marginal sentience from being around people.
PC Drivel including an email from somebody you like from the original gang of 4 that how joined The Elephants Graveyard in The Lords.
Another lady(sic) from Ladywell you like blah blah blah and The Witch of NW3 blah blah blah and then nothing.
One man that was real Ted Knight from Lambeth alas very old and no longer knows what planet he is on but he was real and a gentleman.

The Good Witch Of W1 said...

I am still here until tomorrow have to talk with a Diplochimp.
I have a thought for you in The Land Of OZ I expect a house would fall upon The Wicked Witch of NW3.
What an awful woman Geoff "playing" at politics in leafy NW3.

Geoff Dellow said...

You've lost me Chris.

I recognise the quote " What an awful woman" it will no doubt go down in history and feature in your obituary.