Saturday 16 May 2009

Blind love

I got quite angry last night.

I was calling door to door - as I do - when I was questioned by someone who doesn't appear to use his reason but has a blind faith in a party.

These are the kind of people that put and kept Hitler in power and I had hoped were a thing of the past.

Thankfully I have only identified two of these people out of the thousands of people I have now talked to.

Because a person was a member of a particular party, they could do no wrong and were beyond question. This may be fine when a party is following a particular policy that one supports but in local government, things are very different.

Hopefully we elect people in local government because:

  • They consult us regularly to find out what our concerns are
  • They work to implement these concerns
When someone is doing neither, I would hope that questions would be asked by the individual about their chosen candidate as to their suitability to run.

I am gob smacked to find there are still people with this blind faith still in Ulverston.

I can cope with those that don't know and those that are skeptical but those that "know", when they are totally ignorant other than in a belief that their party must be right . . . . .

Furthermore this person wasn't even going out supporting their blind love who could do with all the help that is available at the moment.

Some people, I talk to, haven't seen a politician on their doorstep for years, if ever . . .

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