Saturday 30 May 2009

My Priorities if elected !

Immediately find out how officers are monitored so that they are both rewarded and disciplined for their performance.

Over the summer: Get one or two groups started - working with one of the following : Honeypot, South Ulverston, Croftlands, Park Estate, ABC ( Anslie, Burlingtion, Casson) Neville street area.

Familiarise myself with all the County Council departments.

Ditto with Business promotion in the area (Ulverston Website as a small start) Improving the shopkeepers representation and coordination.

Visit the Environment Agency responsible for Dragley Beck and Recycling.

Achieving better value from the Highways Department by demanding a change in attitude to work in the town.

Promoting a sensible parking scheme operating in Ulverston by first questioning officials.

Becoming familiar in detail with the workings of the police so as to communicate with the public about their role in meeting challenges.

Monitoring the behaviour of young people around town in the early hours of the night.

Encourage good schools in Ulverston - first request visit of the buildings at UVHS with a view of lobbying Carlisle for redecorating funds.

Encouraging improvements in the schools that are letting the community down.

Promoting greater non-teacher participation from the community in schools.

Having discussions with officers so as to make the most of opportunities for the Honeypot, South Ulverston, Lightburn, Croftlands and ABC area

Ensure the upgrading of Croftlands playing area as soon as possible.

Encourage the greater use of recreational areas particularly Lightburn Park and the MUGA area by adults so as to modify young people's behaviour.
Develop the Rose garden opposite the Library.

Longterm : Promote co-operation between Cllrs outside of Kendal through Neighbourhood Forums so that Ulverston gets a better deal

If I don't get in then I'll be concentrating on Groups throughout the area and greater community communication/participation also working with UVHS sixth form.

Looks like I'll be busy!


Anonymous said...

That's about 15 priorities ! Save yourself a heart attack and concentrate on a couple of issues where you have a chance of making progress. Parking and parking enforcement (lack of ) would be a good place to start.

Geoff Dellow said...

Priorities are what they say they are.

They have a pecking order and are tackled in sequence and not all at the same time.

Sometimes several activities dovetail and can be carried out during one trip.

It's a matter of juggling what is done when.

Anyone who has been in business for themselves has to be good at this kind of thing. . .

Anonymous said...

Yes I am sure you will edit and control this blog to your advantage, you are in this game for the cash!
You will gain more votes if you give your time free !!!
Dont claim expenses give freely and dont try to vote catch your not consistant you are a cameleon and would be a liability if elected

Anonymous said...

Ok you are the best of a bad bunch Ill vote and campaign for you you have accepted advice you may even be honest