Thursday 28 May 2009

While we scrap and squabble . . .

over MPs expenses.

We are being left behind in far more important projects.

I believe that it will be China that will try the hardest to save humanity.

They have the power to impose their will on a vast population.

They will want to be the survivors.

They will know that Global Warming is the greatest threat they face.

They are investing vast sums of money into renewable energy sciences.

"China is to throw its economic might behind a national solar power plan that could result in it becoming one of the world's biggest harvesters of the sun's energy."

It follows that we will be buying all this technology from them and becoming poorer and more powerless by the year.

If you want to buy a modern energy saving heat pump, you will buy it from China - not the UK; not Germany in Europe; but miles away where we are already buying a lot of our toys and gadgets.

If we want a free future, we need to be looking beyond our politicians little toes (that have gone to market) and look up at the horizon ahead of us.

First Cumbria was rendered powerless by political squabbles last October and now it is Parliament.

We need to wake up and get our priorities clear and stop allowing ourselves to be distracted by newspapers and the media that seeks to filch our money and futures as we slouch distracted on our sofas.

Cumbria needs to encourage renewable energy industries to develop here using our mechanical and electrical engineering skills to the full in this new field.

Let's get focussed on jobs for the British by being farsighted. We need every ounce of co-operation if we are going to pull ourselves out of the mess we are headed for.

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