Saturday 21 August 2010

Pakistan Flood Relief

It was great to see a group of volunteers have set up a centre next to Oxfam in the town centre to raise funds for this cause.

Ulverston have always had a great tradition in supporting others who face disaster.

Many years ago The Hope and Anchor organised the filling and the driving of a lorry to Bosnia to provide relief.

Of course you can go on line to make donations to a reliable organisation. There is a desperate need for drinking water.


Jack Thomas. said...

I shall not be giving. Any country that can afford nuclear weapons can easily afford to alleviate the suffering of its own people. End of.

Geoff Dellow said...

Jack, a valid argument.

Unfortunately for the Pakinstani people, they don't have their own choice of government. So their government doesn't represent their needs.

In cases like this I cannot avoid empathising with other human beings and asking myself:

How would I feel if I had been born and grown up there; trying cope with potential disaster.

I would hope that a fellow human, with feelings like mine, would offer me a hand up.

Agreed we can't help everyone and need to take care of ourselves and problems here first, however none of us in Britain are facing this level of disaster and until my circumstances are as dire as theirs, I will try to help; especially as I can do this with no drain to my own abilities to deal with the problems we face here in Ulverston and Britain.

I find that I can spread myself around a bit and not stay blinkered in only seeing my own problems.

Jack Thomas said...

The fact is Geoff that in 1947 these people could not wait to be rid of us. via Mr Jinna they even conspired to join with Japan to give us a kicking. Now, when the chips are down they come cap in hand to US!!

Let them get on with it, fend for themselves as they wanted to. Let them divert cash from their nuclear programme - why should I give money to take the pressure off that activity? Yes I have sympathy for individuals but they get the regime they deserve.

I have a good friend, born and brought up in Rhodesia. When we sold that country down the Limpopo and caved in to Mugabe's terrorists he told me to sit back and watch a happy, prosperous country go to the dogs. cf Pakistan.

Geoff Dellow said...

Does this mean that you wouldn't give help to South Ulverston Flood victims if you didn't support out government?

Why assume that the actions of the Pakistan Government are those their citizens approve of.