Caffeine Withdrawl Symptoms
One of the penalties of taking too much drug in Paris:
All those coffees !
Never mind , the sights and the tastes were excellent, the purse a lot lighter.
Signs and symptoms. The most commonly reported withdrawal symptoms are listed below:
Headache – (often described as being gradual in development and diffuse, and sometimes throbbing and severe)
Fatigue -- (e.g., fatigue, tiredness, lethargy, sluggishness)
Sleepiness/drowsiness -- (e.g., sleepy, drowsy, yawning)
Difficulty concentrating -- (e.g., muzzy)
Work difficulty -- (e.g., decreased motivation for tasks/work)
Irritability -- (e.g., irritable, cross, miserable, decreased well-being/contentedness)
Depression -- (e.g., depressed mood)
Anxiety -- (e.g., anxious, nervous)
Flu-like symptoms -- (e.g., nausea/vomiting, muscle aches/stiffness, hot and cold spells, heavy feelings in arms or legs)
Impairment in psychomotor, vigilance and cognitive performances
I reckon a spell down the allotment is indicated!
So that's where I'm going!
Worked wonders.
Clear head.
Good company!
You looked super fit as normal to me Geoff
I contacted highways regarding spikes and spears how a adult could leave that hazard to impede our perigrinations is no example to the youth of today.When you seen it it was a lot better than Friday as most of the debris has been taken away in dogs feet, pram tyrers and ladies shoes.The road had improved and so had the local car tyre suppliers income
Ulverston should have a searchlight with a GD shadow like Gotham city used to call Batman. Chatting about hedge cuttings obstructing pavement he got staight on the case he moves things faster than cascara !
Let's not get too excited JAK.
One gets into the habit of sorting things out immediately so that it becomes 'no big deal'!
Look forward to work with others that do the same.
My, wouldn't Ulverston be different!
It might even get the reputation of being a place where people take pride in their town and have a policy of zero tolerance.
Long live mutual encouragement.
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