Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Inaction by Cumbria Highways - broken promises

Andrew Moss promised here before Christmas that work would start "Early in the New Year".

It is now nearly the middle of March.

Kate Lawson, chief SLDC planning officer, writes:

"Thank you for your email and I am sorry that you are continuing to experience problems on Union Lane due to the unfinished highway work. Although I appreciate nothing appears to have happened on the ground, I am trying to investigate what the situation is.

 However, as previously advised, it is Cumbria County Council Highways who are responsible for the specification and enforcement of the highway works (including road markings/ double yellow lines) in Union Lane under the Section 278 Agreement they have with Persimmons.

 I have forwarded you email onto the Nick Raymond and Graham Wheelhouse so that they are aware of the situation with the parked vehicles. I will let you know as soon as I hear anything further."

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