Sunday 29 July 2012

Does it really matter ?

If we don't win a single Olympic medal.

I'm reminded of the depression that hit the country when Germany beat us in the final of the world cup. Success in football was the most important thing in a lot of people's lives.

Doesn't that say something about the kind of people we are if this kind of failure is that important?

The brash reporting of the cycle race suggested that the commentator believed implicitly in the abilities of 'team GB' as though they were all powerful, all knowing competitors. Lets be ready to applaud the other sportsmen - whoever they are.

Surely we have more important things in our lives than the results of the efforts of a few hard stretched sport's men and women?

It's sad to find that the people in charge of television don't agree - but then I barely watch the box never-the-less there are a few programmes that help me maintain my sanity - it seems I'll have to manage without them - shouldn't be difficult.

Now where's my saw, drill, screws and spade : I'm off to the park to put some more pottery up and shift some compost!

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