Tuesday 24 July 2012

Reading the papers

Is not good for one's mental health.

We get two papers : The Guardian and the Independent 20p "i". I continue to encourage this high expense because:
1. Having a physical sheaf of paper enables me to read in a multitude of physical positions - In bed, in a comfortable arm chair, standing transfixed at the front door, having just picked them up or even sitting on the loo - which no time dates back to my happy times as a 18 month old when my crab like adventures under furniture and from room to room, were the highlight of the day.
2. Despite the doom and gloom that is commonplace to the media these days there occasionally comes a much needed breath of fresh air of someone being positive.
3. Lastly, one has access to people who may be echoing the things that are bouncing around one's embattled head that provide relief. They have a brilliant way of expressing one's own thoughts in a way that is convincing. They even have thought combinations that are truly "outside the box" experiences and take you into a new world of possible thinking.

I have just read such an article - brilliant.

May I commend to you Matthew Norman's thinking on Vince Cable - God willing our next government head of pragmatic "common sense"action.

". . . all you really needed to know about the absolute despair in Western democracies about the competence of elected politicians. "

Vince comes across as a person who has sussed out how to hold on to deep well thought out wisdom and use it fearlessly and persistently. He has a deep seated belief in himself - a quality that I am struggling to foster in my own thinking - for me,  a Herculean task.


Anonymous said...

Vince Cable is a self serving Lib Dem parasite, fond of showing off in front of young women, who is colluding with the rest of his ilk in letting these tory public school boys drag the country back into the thirties. You fool yourself if you think that fawning over them will encourage the Lib Dems to develop a single principle. Student loans? NHS privitisation? And this on the day that we learn that the country's economy is smaller than it was in 2010.

Geoff Dellow said...

There are very few politicians that I have respect for Vince Cable is one of them. Shirley Williams is another. I could go on to name several Tories and Labour MPs. I cannot bring myself to blame all the members of any one party. In fact I don't respect the party system. Some individuals in fact, make me cringe and Balls is one of them. Claire Short every time for me - sad she's not around to add a bit of straight talking.

Please help me by naming one of two that you respect.

Anonymous said...

Have you given any consideration at all with translating your current site in to French? I know a several of translaters right here that will would help you do it for no cost if you wanna get in touch with me.

Geoff Dellow said...

Who is 'me' ?