Saturday 14 July 2012

Furness Tradition brings people into the town from all over

And a what great kind of people they are.

They are for the most part very people oriented with a great sense of fun and living life to the full. They are people of all ages, sizes, backgrounds and seem to generally fit for their age. They love acquiring learning, sharing and developing skills of older generations. They are motivated to put in hours of practice  for the pure joy of doing things because they want to. They are for the most part fit mentally but also fit physically.

These are :

The type of person that worked together during the last world war to raise morale when the country was in imminent disaster from being invaded by the Germans.
The kind of people that set sail in their small boats to bring back the troops when they were being driven into the sea in Normandy.
The kind of people that, when faced with adversity instead of wingeing and complaining, get out their musical instruments, write a song about it or narrate a story of knights performing heroic deeds to raise our spirits and 'laugh disaster in the face'. Others use a craft or art to add something worthwhile to our lives.
The kind of people that go out of their way to help others when needed

They bring a breath of fresh air to the town in contrast to the sad commercialisation of the town by people hell bent in promoting 'festivals' that make money.
They encourage people like themselves in our community to take activities like the Lantern Procession out of the hands of power seeking individuals and return them back into the hands once again of a community group.
They see through the hype from government encouraged  Royal celebrations,
Olympic torch relay nonsense,
Football and Tennis mania and even the
'Cumbria in Bloom' farce
They encouraging very local 'bottom up' activities by little groups of nobodies who get together without 'official guidance' and do their own thing.
They are good at conveying a strong message in the subtle ways of song writing, poetry, fiction, art and craft - the things we all value.

These are the kind of people and activities that are going to be needed in the future years

when the bulk of the population who follow the Red Top Media continue to blame others for the mess we are heading for
because of Global Warming,
because of Economic Disaster,
because of the Population Explosion,
because of Ethnic Cleansing and turmoil taking place in countries like Northern Ireland, Syria, Lybia, Egypt, India, Afghanistan,  Iraq etc and
because of the "What we need is growth " Brigade at a time when the world's resources are stretched to the limit.

In contrast to people here in Ulverston who seek to find fault with any attempt to be positive, they just get on quietly and make music, dance, make beautiful things and celebrate the good things in life.

Hopefully a bit of their positive outlook will rub off and encourage each one of us.

Long live the Traditions of the past as they are carried forward by the young people of the present here thankfully in Furness

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