Saturday, 17 May 2014

stroke, stroke, stroke

Do you know anyone  in the area of Ulverston who has had a stroke?

I am having a great time recovering - largely through my own efforts - I stlll have had no therapy,

There is very little help available. The exception is Lynn Jones of the "life afterStroke" organisation in Kendal who has been a star.

Dispite this I am recovering at a rapid rate.     I'm a right bloody minded old fogey !

If you want to talk to me phone 01229 480 347 -if I'm out - keep trying and leave a slow clear message and Iwill get back to you quickly , ready to help all I can to help get"the wheels turning" for you.You could also  email me - gd at .uk      put "stroke" in the subject line so that I don't miss it.

Look forward to meeting you and giving you some encouagment! There is indeed lots of life, to be had after a stroke! - I'll be dancing using both arms on Monday at the Coach house, Ford Park every Monday at 12:30 - join me! just come for a coffee if you like , in which case arrive at 1: 30.

Now I'm off to play chess in the Market Square: 10:30 until 13:00 ( and every Saturday aftern that the weather is decent.)

Don't let the buggers get you down


( watch my next video here!)

1 comment:

Gladys said...

It was good to see you there. Clearly you were bearing up with little Ted to help and comfort! You are an inspiration.