Wednesday 22 December 2010

It does the spirit good to realise

That if you want something done - you can do it yourself.

The feeling of confidence gradually grows as you realise that if you want something done  it is far better to get together with other people who have a philosophy of doing rather than talking.

The result is that strong relationships develop with people you can rely on. People who don't make a fuss. People who are not pompous idiots puffing themselves up with self importance but quiet confident people who take it for granted that you can rely on them to do something.

These people are those that if they say they will do something, you don't have to have a doubt, no need to remind them, no need to check, no need to doubt. No frustration and tearing your hair out, wondering how you will get them to honour a promise they made.

No the job will just get done. No fanfare, no announcement to the world of what a brilliant person they are.

Then having worked hard achieving what to some is an enormous task we can enjoy the pride of achievement and witness the gratitude of those that benefit.

Because I'm avoiding contact or even thinking about people who make promises and don't deliver, my thinking and face to face contact is with happy confident people who don't hesitate to roll their sleeves up when a job needs doing.

So for the year ahead please remind me when I sound frustrated that this emotion is a waste of valuable energy. InsteadI need turn to myself or to others who keep promises and work very hard with a big smile on their faces.

A message to the grumpy ones who think they have a right to moan on this blog about me not being able to take criticism. Just remember "It's my Party and I'm write/shout /jump up and down if I want to."

So if they don't like it - tough - go start your own blog and don't expect to be able to voice your opinions here. I've work hard at this blog and you get published here as a privileged so; I can enjoy stuffing your stupid negative comments into the bin if I want.

And my - that's fun!

Power  - over our own affairs - for those willing to graft.


Anonymous said...

Huzzah Huzzah Hip Hip Huzzah

Anonymous said...

"Hewitts Corner" should be renamed Dellow's Den.
Ulverstons own speakers corner. Anyone got an old original soapbox as a xmas gift for Geoff ?
Brim full of suprises,sense and smiles pass it at your peril.
Dont linger it may be life changing!
Merry Xmas

Geoff Dellow said...

Yes It's a great place to meet the public.

And get hit painlessly by a car.