Sunday 26 December 2010


No not the meaty stuff but unsolicited comments on this blog.

I'm getting more and more in foreign languages many in what I guess is Chinese and this is the first one in Russian.

Why me?

Perhaps because I generate a fair bit of traffic.

So Ulverston is being targetted (quite rightly (!)) by the internationals.

Nothing in Arabic script so far.

The original was:

Тестирование — это первоклассный способ исследования определённых качеств и свойств личности. Тесты позволят вам читать внутрь себя, проверить свои возможности, узнать себя ближе. Любопытство это безраздельно из двигателей прогресса, а так же [url=]хороший средство для веб мастера заработать[/url] для этом.
Пользователи, пройдя тест, отправляют СМС чтобы его оплаты, а вы получаете комиссионные начиная с 70% через прибыли и выше!
Партнерская список с тестами отличается от стандартных партнерок двумя вещами: высокими комиссионными, как сказано выше - 70% через прибыли, и возможностью демонстрировать тесты, с через iframe, весь для страницах своего сайта и не только.
[url=]Заработок вебмастеру на смс тестах[/url].

(I've removed the urls)

Which according to Google Translate means:

Testing - a first class way to research certain qualities and personality traits. The tests allow you to read yourself into, check out the possibilities, find themselves closer. Curiosity is undivided of the engines of progress, as well as [url removed by Geoff] a good tool for Web masters to make [/ url] for it.
Others who passed the test, send SMS to its payment, and you will receive a commission ranging from 70% in profits and higher!
Partner list with tests differs from the standard affiliate for two things: high commissions, as mentioned above - 70% after earnings and the opportunity to demonstrate the tests, with a iframe, all for your pages and more.
[Url removed] Earnings webmaster for sms tests .

Yesterday I got this which doesn't appear to have a URL link:

(I get lots in what I assume is Chinese and don't publish them)


Which is translated as:

Adults will い で の out great excitement! Su 敵 な に night were too ご を せ る ー パ Exploration & Suites ナ ー を し ま せ ん か? っ ta ri cut cut relationship between physical relationship だ け で も OK!

Those that can read Russian or Chinese (or both) will no doubt have a chuckle at the attempt by Google to translate.

Enough is provided to give us the gist of what it's all about.

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