Friday, 2 August 2013

Are Persimmons walking all over our planning department?

Why else would the planning department put up this F****** St*****My******* Notice up in Stanley Street?

This is the latest stage in a battle with Persimmons to get it to comply with the regulations that were place on it as conditions for the granting of planning permission for the housing development in Union Lane.

If believe in stopping big business walking all over the general public then here is an issue you should get involved in.

Yes and we, the little people, can exert our influence and encourage our planning department to stand up to them instead of being manipulated by this determined company that uses it's influence and money to achieve whatever it wants.

What can you do?

All of you could have a good reason to write to Kate Lawson as suggested in the notice and ask her to put another notice up that made sense to the general public and to you in particular. We're all good at 'smelling a rat' and here's one that sticks.

Email and ask very simply:

"Please Ms Lawson could you put up a notice that we all can understand so that we can comment intelligently "

If you do this you'll be surprised the planning department will suddenly find the courage to behave itself because it will be under the spotlight - something it hasn't been used to up till now.

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