Tuesday, 10 September 2013

A visit to our Sad Democracy

Ulverston Town Council last night was in no mood to listen. You enter the council chamber and you realise there is no place here for rational, objective thinking. You enter a fantasy world of a real life play where the players are out of touch with real life. The council chamber is an impressive theatre set where the actors, our democratic representatives, take on make-believe roles whilst the real world rages outside. The actors are oblivious of the real issues confronting every day people in the town. They are ill equipped to deal with the powerful forces of Big Business, for instance Persimmons House builders who are threatening uncontrolled expansion. They are ill equipped to deal with the powerful forces of an out of control District Council, ruled by one man, with officers struggling to do their jobs well. A council that has taken over one of our parks without consultation with the people who use it. They have decided that they know best what we want. They are ill equipped to deal with us, the public, who are already having a stressful struggle to deal with our lives, only to be confronted with a battle with the above unsympathetic machine-like organisations who make up the rules of engagement. The public under these conditions find they have no support from those that were meant to help them find solutions: their democratic representatives. Take cover :Chaos lies ahead. Communication and working together cannot cope.


Anonymous said...

Why? What actually happened? Did they debate Persimmons?

Geoff Dellow said...

Why?: the reaction to my little 'speech' re the need for greater co-operation/communication with the public.
What happened?: Watch the press, or contact your local Cllr. I left for a prior engagement after my 'public participation' spot at the beginning of the meeting.
Re Persimmons : I'm sure they didn't as it wasn't on their agenda. Are you going to request this?

Anonymous said...

Persimmon have the TC just where they want them and do what ever they like. The TCdo there own thing. They do not listen and do not want to help. As said in aprevious correspondence we need to challenge them and make them realise there mistakes and failings

Anonymous said...

I am tired of the TC and the poor job they do.i have asked in he past o stand and. Hunk this time round I will. Change has got to happen!

Geoff Dellow said...


I'm all ears - and they're big ones!

Geoff Dellow said...

To tired: Go on ya!

Is there life in Ulverston after all?

I'll support you - you have a platform here, or better still, set your own blog up yourself - I'll feature it here.

Want an interview put on Youtube?

You can dress up in disguise if you like. How about being the first councillor in a burka. You could be anybody - you could even be five different people (or a whole pub full) so that you could have a year off when you wanted.